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20130429 Kidzania

Opening bank account for MoCorporate characters appearanceCorporate character greeting TonPose!Pose at Car Life Support CenterListning to the instruction of work
Checking under the hoodChecking on tireFixing tireLoosening the tireTaking off the tirePutting a new tire
Tightening a boltFruit juice and fried chicken breakSame hereListning to an instruction how to work at a mobile phone shopChecking Kidzania moneyWaiting for the bus to start
On a move!Customers!Waiting for bakery to openUniform readyHands are cleanListening to how breads are made of
20130429 Kidzania, a set on Flickr.
Long awaited Kidzania visit during Goldenweek. Both Ton and Mo enjoyed it very much and it was great to see them doing everything by themselves. Also the facility is awesome and the staff are all making effort treating the kids very calm and equally as persons...!


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